Chat with PDF Mistral-7B: Interacting with Documents Through AI

In the age of information overload, efficiently extracting knowledge from documents is crucial. Chat with PDF’s Mistral-7B leverages AI to transform static PDF files into dynamic conversational partners. Imagine querying any PDF document as if you were chatting with an expert on its content. This blog will guide you through creating such an interactive experience, using the Mistral-7B model within a Streamlit web application.

Setting Up the Environment

Before diving into the code, you need to set up your environment in Google Colab. Make sure to use an A100 GPU for optimal performance:

  1. Access Google Colab: Start a new notebook in Google Colab.
  2. Select A100 GPU: Go to Runtime > Change runtime type and set the hardware accelerator to GPU. This ensures faster processing and better performance of the Mistral-7B model.

Installing Necessary Python Packages

Install the following packages to get started with the project:

!pip install langchain torch sentence_transformers faiss-cpu huggingface-hub pypdf2 accelerate llama-cpp-python
  • langchain: Utilized for chaining language tasks.
  • torch: The backbone for deep learning models.
  • sentence_transformers: For efficient sentence embeddings.
  • faiss-cpu: For fast similarity searches and clustering large collections of vectors.
  • huggingface-hub: To access and manage models and repositories.
  • pypdf2: For extracting text from PDFs.
  • accelerate: To speed up computations.
  • llama-cpp-python: Python bindings for LLaMA models.

Understanding the Code

The project relies on several Python libraries, each serving a unique purpose in the process of converting PDF documents into interactive chat experiences.

Loading and Processing PDF Documents

To load and process PDF files, we use the PyPDFDirectoryLoader class from langchain:

from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFDirectoryLoader

# Load PDF files from a specified directory
loader = PyPDFDirectoryLoader("/content/sample_data/data")
data = loader.load()

PyPDFDirectoryLoader loads all PDF files in the specified directory, making their content accessible for processing.

Building the Core Functionality

Text Extraction and Chunking

We use RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter to divide the PDF text into manageable chunks:

from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter

text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=10000, chunk_overlap=20)
text_chunks = text_splitter.split_documents(data)

RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter breaks down the text into chunks of 10,000 characters, with a 20-character overlap between chunks to ensure continuity.

Generating Embeddings

To understand and retrieve information from the text, we convert the chunks into numerical representations called embeddings:

from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings

embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
vector_store = FAISS.from_documents(text_chunks, embedding=embeddings)

HuggingFaceEmbeddings creates sentence embeddings, which FAISS then uses to index the text chunks for efficient retrieval.

Setting Up the Mistral-7B Model for Q&A

The Mistral-7B model, a powerful language model, is integrated to provide accurate answers based on the text chunks:

from langchain.llms import LlamaCpp

llm = LlamaCpp(
    streaming = True,

LlamaCpp loads the Mistral-7B model, with parameters set for temperature, top_p, and context length to control the generation’s creativity and relevance.

Creating the Streamlit Web App

The Streamlit web app is the user interface for interacting with the AI model. It enables users to upload PDFs, ask questions, and receive answers based on the document’s content.

Designing the Chat Interface

We use streamlit_chat to create a chat interface where users can interact with the Mistral-7B model:

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message

st.title("Chat with PDF’s Mistral-7B")
st.sidebar.title("Upload PDF")
uploaded_files = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Choose a file", accept_multiple_files=True)

This sets up the basic UI, including a title and a sidebar for uploading PDF files.

Integrating the Model with Streamlit

After uploading, the PDFs are processed, and the app communicates with the Mistral-7B model to answer queries based on the PDF content:

if uploaded_files:
    for file in uploaded_files:
        text = extract_text(file)
        processed_text = process_text(text)
        answer = get_answer(processed_text, query)

Here, extract_text reads the PDF, process_text prepares the text for the model, and get_answer queries the model to fetch the response.

Handling User Queries and Displaying Responses

The user’s questions are fed to the model, and responses are displayed in real-time:

query = st.text_input("Ask a question:")
if st.button("Get Answer"):
    response = model.query(query)
    message(response, is_user=True)

The query function sends the user’s question to the model, and message displays the model’s response in the chat interface.

Deploying the App

Deploying the app involves running the Streamlit application and using LocalTunnel to expose the local server to the public:

!streamlit run &>/dev/null & curl
!npx localtunnel --port 8501

This makes the app accessible via a public URL, allowing anyone to interact with the AI model and the uploaded PDF documents.

Learn How To Build AI Projects

Learn How To Build AI Projects

Now, if you are interested in upskilling in 2024 with AI development, check out this 6 AI advanced projects with Golang where you will learn about building with AI and getting the best knowledge there is currently. Here’s the link.


Chat with PDF’s Mistral-7B transforms static documents into dynamic conversational entities, leveraging AI to make information retrieval interactive and efficient. By following this guide, you can create a web-based chat interface to interact with the content of PDF files, powered by the advanced capabilities of the Mistral-7B model.