Target Specification

  1. nmap [target] - Scan a single IP or hostname.
  2. nmap [target1,target2,etc.] - Scan multiple targets.
  3. nmap -iL [list.txt] - Scan targets from a list in a file.
  4. nmap [range of IP addresses] - Scan a range of IPs.
  5. nmap [IP address/cidr] - Scan a network using CIDR notation.
  6. nmap -iR [number] - Scan random hosts.
  7. nmap [targets] --exclude [targets] - Exclude listed hosts.
  8. nmap [targets] --excludefile [list.txt] - Exclude targets from a file.

Host Discovery

  1. nmap -sP [target] - Ping scan (no port scan).
  2. nmap -PS [target] - TCP SYN ping.
  3. nmap -PA [target] - TCP ACK ping.
  4. nmap -PU [target] - UDP ping.
  5. nmap -PE [target] - ICMP echo request ping.
  6. nmap -PP [target] - ICMP timestamp request ping.
  7. nmap -PM [target] - ICMP address mask request ping.
  8. nmap -PO [target] - IP protocol ping.
  9. nmap -PR [target] - ARP ping (local network only).

Scan Techniques

  1. nmap -sS [target] - TCP SYN scan (default).
  2. nmap -sT [target] - TCP connect scan.
  3. nmap -sU [target] - UDP scan.
  4. nmap -sA [target] - TCP ACK scan.
  5. nmap -sW [target] - TCP Window scan.
  6. nmap -sM [target] - TCP Maimon scan.
  7. nmap -sN [target] - TCP Null scan.
  8. nmap -sF [target] - TCP FIN scan.
  9. nmap -sX [target] - TCP Xmas scan.
  10. nmap -sO [target] - IP protocol scan.

Service and Version Detection

  1. nmap -sV [target] - Probe open ports to determine service/version info.
  2. nmap -sV --version-intensity [0-9] [target] - Set intensity level of version detection.
  3. nmap -sV --version-light [target] - Enable light mode for version scanning.
  4. nmap -sV --version-all [target] - Enable intense mode for version scanning.

OS Detection

  1. nmap -O [target] - Enable OS detection.
  2. nmap -O --osscan-limit [target] - Limit OS detection to confirmed open ports.
  3. nmap -O --osscan-guess [target] - Guess more aggressively about OS detection.
  4. nmap -O --max-os-tries [number] [target] - Set the maximum number of OS detection tries.

Timing and Performance

  1. nmap -T0 [target] - Paranoid (IDS evasion).
  2. nmap -T1 [target] - Sneaky (IDS evasion).
  3. nmap -T2 [target] - Polite (slows down the scan).
  4. nmap -T3 [target] - Normal (default speed).
  5. nmap -T4 [target] - Aggressive (speeds scans).
  6. nmap -T5 [target] - Insane (fastest scans).

Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)

  1. nmap --script [script.nse] [target] - Execute specific NSE script.
  2. nmap --script [category] [target] - Execute scripts in a specific category.
  3. nmap --script "not intrusive" [target] - Execute default scripts excluding intrusive ones.

Firewall/IDS Evasion and Spoofing

  1. nmap -f [target] - Fragment packets to evade firewalls.
  2. nmap --mtu [MTU] [target] - Specify a custom MTU size.
  3. nmap -D RND:[number] [target] - Randomize decoy addresses.
  4. nmap -S [IP] [target] - Spoof source address.
  5. nmap -e [interface] [target] - Use specified network interface.
  6. nmap -g [port number] [target] - Use specified source.
  7. nmap --source-port [port number] [target] - Use given source port.
  8. nmap --data-length [number] [target]- Append random data to packets.
  9. nmap --randomize-hosts [target] - Randomize target scanning order.
  10. nmap --spoof-mac [MAC|0|vendor] [target]- Spoof MAC address. ``
  11. nmap --badsum [target] - Generate packets with a bad checksum.

Output Options

  1. nmap -oN [file] [target] - Normal output to a file.
  2. nmap -oX [file] [target] - XML output to a file.
  3. nmap -oG [file] [target] - Grepable output to a file.
  4. nmap -oA [path/filename] [target] - Output in all formats.
  5. nmap --open [target] - Show only open ports.
  6. nmap --packet-trace [target] - Show all packets sent and received.
  7. nmap --iflist - List interfaces and routes.
  8. nmap --resume [file] - Resume an interrupted scan.
  9. nmap --stylesheet [path] [target] - Apply XSL stylesheet to XML output.
  10. nmap --webxml - Use default stylesheet for XML.
  11. oN [file]: Standard Nmap output to a file.
  12. oG [file]: Greppable format output to a file.
  13. oX [file]: XML format output to a file.
  14. oA [path/filename]: Generate Nmap, Greppable, and XML output files using basename for files.

Miscellaneous Options

  1. nmap -6 [target] - Enable IPv6 scanning.
  2. nmap --datadir [directory] - Specify custom Nmap data file location.
  3. nmap --send-eth/--send-ip [target] - Send packets using raw IP packets or Ethernet frames.
  4. nmap --privileged - Assume that the user is fully privileged.
  5. nmap --unprivileged - Assume the user lacks raw socket privileges.

Port Specification and Scan Order

  1. p <port1>-<port2>: Scans a port range.
  2. p <port1>,<port2>,...: Scans a list of ports.
  3. pU:53,U:110,T20-445: Mix TCP and UDP.
  4. r: Scans linearly (does not randomize ports).
  5. -top-ports <n>: Scan the n most popular ports.
  6. p-65535: Leaving off the initial port in range makes Nmap scan start at port 1.
  7. p-: Leaving off the end port in range makes Nmap scan all ports.
  8. F: Fast (limited port) scan.

Port Status

  1. Open: An application is listening for connections on this port.
  2. Closed: Probes were received but no application is listening on this port.
  3. Filtered: Probes were not received, indicating that they are being dropped by some kind of filtering.
  4. Unfiltered: Probes were received but a state could not be established.
  5. Open/Filtered: The port was filtered or open but Nmap couldnā€™t establish the state.
  6. Closed/Filtered: The port was filtered or closed but Nmap couldnā€™t establish the state.

Fine-Grained Timing Options

  1. -min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup <size>: Parallel host scan group sizes.
  2. -min-parallelism/max-parallelism <numprobes>: Probes parallelization.
  3. -min-rtt-timeout/max-rtttimeout/initial-rtt-timeout <time>: Specifies probe round trip time.
  4. -max-retries <tries>: Caps number of port scan probe retransmissions.
  5. -host-timeout <time>: Gives up on target after this time.
  6. -scan-delay/--max-scan-delay <time>: Adjusts delay between probes.
  7. -min-rate <number>: Send packets no slower than this number per second.
  8. -max-rate <number>: Send packets no faster than this number per second.

Nmap Scripting Engine Categories

  1. auth: Utilize credentials or bypass authentication on target hosts.
  2. broadcast: Discover hosts by broadcasting on the local network.
  3. brute: Attempt to guess passwords for a variety of protocols.
  4. default: Scripts run automatically with -sC or -A.
  5. discovery: Learn more information about target hosts through various methods.
  6. dos: May cause denial of service conditions in target hosts.
  7. exploit: Attempt to exploit target systems.
  8. external: Interact with third-party systems.
  9. fuzzer: Send unexpected input in network protocol fields
  10. intrusive: May impact target machines in a malicious fashion.
  11. malware: Look for signs of malware infection on target hosts.
  12. safe: Designed not to impact target negatively.
  13. version: Measure the version of software or protocols on the target hosts
  14. vuln: Measure whether target systems have a known vulnerability.

Additional Options

  1. n: Disables reverse IP address lookups.
  2. -reason: Displays the reason Nmap thinks that the port is open, closed, or filtered.
  3. A: Enables several features, including OS Detection, Version Detection, Script Scanning (default), and traceroute.
  4. 6: Use IPv6 only.
  5. -reason: Displays the reason Nmap thinks that the port is open, closed, or filtered.

Probing Options

  1. Pn: Don’t probe (assume all hosts are up).
  2. PB: Default probe (TCP 80, 445 & ICMP).
  3. PS<portlist>: Check if systems are online by probing TCP ports.
  4. PE: Use ICMP Echo Request for probing.
  5. PP: Use ICMP Timestamp Request for probing.
  6. PM: Use ICMP Netmask Request for probing.

Scan Types

  1. sn: Probe only (host discovery, not port scan).
  2. sS: SYN Scan.
  3. sT: TCP Connect Scan.
  4. sU: UDP Scan.
  5. sV: Version Scan.
  6. O: Used for OS Detection/fingerprinting.
  7. -scanflags: Sets a custom list of TCP using URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN in any order.

Timing Options

  1. T0 (Paranoid): Very slow, used for IDS evasion.
  2. T1 (Sneaky): Quite slow, used for IDS evasion.
  3. T2 (Polite): Slows down to consume less bandwidth, runs ~10 times slower than default.
  4. T3 (Normal): Default, a dynamic timing model based on target responsiveness.
  5. T4 (Aggressive): Assumes a fast and reliable network and may overwhelm targets.
  6. T5 (Insane): Very aggressive; will likely overwhelm targets or miss open ports.

Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) - Specific Scripts

  1. dns-zone-transfer: Attempts a zone file (AXFR) from a DNS server.
    • $ nmap --script dns-zonetransfer.nse --script-args dns-zonetransfer.domain=<domain> -p53 <hosts>
  2. http-robots.txt: Harvests robots.txt files from discovered web servers.
    • $ nmap --script http-robots.txt <hosts>
  3. smb-brute: Attempts to determine valid username and password combinations via automated guessing.
    • $ nmap --script smb-brute.nse -p445 <hosts>
  4. smb-psexec: Attempts to run a series of programs on the target machine, using provided credentials as script arguments.
    • $ nmap --script smb-psexec.nse ā€“script-args=smbuser=<username>,smbpass=<password>[,config=<config>] -p445 <hosts>
  5. A: Enables several features, including OS Detection, Version Detection, Script Scanning (default), and traceroute.
  6. 6: Use IPv6 only.
  7. -reason: Displays the reason Nmap thinks that the port is open, closed, or filtered.

The full list of Nmap Scripting Engine scripts can be found at the official Nmap website: Nmap Scripting Engine Documentation.

Running individual or groups of scripts: nmap --script=<ScriptName>|<ScriptCategory>|<ScriptDir>

Using the list of script arguments: nmap --script-args=<Name1=Value1,...>

Updating the script database: nmap --script-updatedb

Useful Scripts Examples

  1. dns-zone-transfer:
    • $ nmap --script dns-zonetransfer.nse --script-args dns-zonetransfer.domain=<domain> -p53 <hosts>
  2. http-robots.txt:
    • $ nmap --script http-robots.txt <hosts>
  3. smb-brute:
    • $ nmap --script smb-brute.nse -p445 <hosts>
  4. smb-psexec:
    • $ nmap --script smb-psexec.nse ā€“script-args=smbuser=<username>,smbpass=<password>[,config=<config>] -p445 <hosts>

Last updated 26 Apr 2024, 15:18 +0530 . history