In this tutorial, we will learn how to read command-line arguments directly using OCaml’s Sys.argv array and then how to simplify the process using the standard library’s Arg module.

Using Sys.argv

Like in C and many other languages, the arguments passed to a program on the command line are stored in an array named argv. This array is found in the Sys module of the standard library and is referred to as Sys.argv. The number of arguments, including the program’s name, is obtained using the Array.length function.

Example: Displaying Command-Line Arguments

The following program displays the arguments along with their position in Sys.argv:

  let () =
  for i = 0 to Array.length Sys.argv - 1 do
    Printf.printf "[%i] %s\n" i Sys.argv.(i)

Save the above code as, and run it as follows:

  $ ocaml arg1 arg2 arg3
[1] arg1
[2] arg2
[3] arg3

Alternatively, you can compile your program and run it:

  $ ocamlopt -o args
$ ./args arg1 arg2 arg3
[0] ./args
[1] arg1
[2] arg2
[3] arg3

Using the Arg Module

The OCaml standard library includes the Arg module for handling command-line interfaces, which simplifies the process compared to using Sys.argv directly.

Example: Appending Files

We’ll consider an example from the OCaml documentation: a program for appending files.

Step 1: Define Usage Message

Set up the usage message to be printed in case of a malformed command line or when help is requested:

  let usage_msg = "append [-verbose] <file1> [<file2>] ... -o <output>"

Step 2: Create References

Create references to hold the information gathered from the command line. The Arg module will fill these in as the command line is read.

  let verbose = ref false
let input_files = ref []
let output_file = ref ""

Step 3: Handle Anonymous Inputs

Define a function to handle the anonymous inputs (those with no flag). These will be our input file names.

  let anon_fun filename = input_files := filename :: !input_files

Step 4: Define Command-Line Specifications

Build the list of command-line flag specifications. Each is a tuple of the flag name, the action to be taken when encountered, and the help string.

  let speclist =
    ("-verbose", Arg.Set verbose, "Output debug information");
    ("-o", Arg.Set_string output_file, "Set output file name");

Step 5: Parse Command-Line Arguments

Call Arg.parse, giving it the specification list, anonymous function, and usage message. Once it returns, the references will contain the required information.

  let () = Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg

(* Main functionality here *)

Complete Program

Here is the entire program:

  let usage_msg = "append [-verbose] <file1> [<file2>] ... -o <output>"

let verbose = ref false
let input_files = ref []
let output_file = ref ""

let anon_fun filename = input_files := filename :: !input_files

let speclist =
    ("-verbose", Arg.Set verbose, "Output debug information");
    ("-o", Arg.Set_string output_file, "Set output file name");

let () =
  Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg;
  (* Main functionality here *)

Compilation and Execution

Save the program as, compile it, and try it out:

  $ ocamlopt -o append
$ ./append -verbose one.txt two.txt -o three.txt
$ ./append one.txt two.txt
$ ./append -quiet
./append: unknown option '-quiet'.
append [-verbose] <file1> [<file2>] ... -o <output>
  -verbose Output debug information
  -o Set output file name
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options
$ ./append -help
append [-verbose] <file1> [<file2>] ... -o <output>
  -verbose Output debug information
  -o Set output file name
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options

Other Tools for Parsing Command-Line Options

There are libraries with more extensive facilities than the built-in Arg module:

  • Cmdliner: A modern interface for command line processing, which also generates UNIX man pages automatically.
  • Clap: An imperative command line parser.
  • Minicli: Supports rejecting malformed command lines that others might silently accept.
  • Getopt for OCaml: Similar to GNU getopt.

By using these tools, you can handle complex command-line interfaces efficiently in OCaml.

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Last updated 17 Aug 2024, 12:31 +0200 . history