
Rust is renowned for its safety guarantees, but there are times when you might need to bypass these guarantees to directly interact with hardware or optimize performance. This post provides a comprehensive look at unsafe Rust, including what it entails, when it’s necessary, and how to use it without compromising the integrity of your applications.

Understanding Unsafe Code

Unsafe Rust refers to operations that can potentially violate the memory safety guarantees that Rust usually enforces. These operations are not checked by the Rust compiler’s borrow checker.

Common Uses of Unsafe Code:

  • Dereferencing Raw Pointers: Unlike regular references, raw pointers can be null or dangling.
  • Calling Unsafe Functions: This includes functions from C libraries or Rust functions marked as unsafe.
  • Accessing or Modifying Mutable Static Variables: Global variables in Rust can be mutable and accessed from multiple threads.
  • Implementing Unsafe Traits: Certain traits can only be implemented safely with the guarantees provided by unsafe code.
  unsafe fn dangerous() {}

fn main() {
    unsafe {

This example demonstrates a simple unsafe function called within an unsafe block. The function does nothing in this case, but in real scenarios, it might perform operations that could lead to undefined behavior if misused.

When and How to Use Unsafe

Using unsafe code is justified in several scenarios, primarily when interfacing with low-level system components, optimizing critical performance bottlenecks, or using externally maintained libraries written in other languages.

Guidelines for Using Unsafe Code:

  • Minimize the Use of Unsafe Blocks: Keep the unsafe code contained in small blocks to limit the potential for mistakes.
  • Isolate Unsafe Code: Encapsulate unsafe code within safe abstractions whenever possible. Provide safe APIs to interact with the underlying unsafe operations.
  • Document the Invariants: Clearly document the safety invariants that callers must adhere to for the unsafe operations to be safe.
  • Audit and Review: Unsafe code should be reviewed more rigorously than safe code. Peer reviews can help catch subtle errors that might lead to security vulnerabilities.

Example of Encapsulating Unsafe Code:

  mod sound {
    pub struct Waveform {
        data: Vec<u8>,
        sample_rate: usize,

    impl Waveform {
        pub fn new(data: Vec<u8>, sample_rate: usize) -> Self {
            Waveform { data, sample_rate }

        pub unsafe fn buffer(&self) -> *const u8 {

fn main() {
    let wave = sound::Waveform::new(vec![0, 1, 2, 3], 44100);
    unsafe {
        let buffer_ptr = wave.buffer();
        // Further unsafe code working with the buffer

In this example, the buffer method is marked as unsafe because it returns a raw pointer to its internal data, which could lead to undefined behavior if mishandled. The unsafe behavior is encapsulated within a safe API (Waveform::new), and the unsafe method is clearly documented.


Unsafe Rust allows you to perform low-level system programming tasks that are not possible under Rust’s strict safety constraints. By understanding when and how to use unsafe responsibly, you can extend the functionality of your Rust applications without sacrificing their integrity and security.

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Last updated 17 Aug 2024, 12:31 +0200 . history